Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Motivational Quotes | Inspiring and Struggls Quotes, Move on in Life Quotes - By Salim Khan Anmol

Motivational Quotes | Inspiring and Struggls Quotes, Move on in Life Quotes

 " हमें हमेशा अपनी और दूसरों की गलतियों से सबक लेते हुऐ बस आगें बढ़ते रहना चाहिए, और मेरे हिसाब से, जो आदमी अपनी गलतियों से सीख लेते हैं शायद ही वो कभी आगें  पछतातें हो।"

" We should always take lessons from our own and others' mistakes, just keep the flames rising, and according to me, men who learn from their mistakes rarely regret the flames. "

" जिंदगी के किसी एक हीं पड़ाव में रुक जाने वाले लोग कुछ सालों बाद बहुत पछताते हैं। यादों के साथ जुड़े रहिये, लेकिन जीवन में आगे भी बढ़ते रहिए ।"

" People who stop at one stage of life, after a few years, are very sorry. Stay connected with memories, but keep moving forward in life. "
" 0कुछ लोगों को अपने जिन्दगी से आगे बढ़ जाने देना चाहिए, क्योंकि उनके लिए ऐसा हीं अच्छा होता है। और फिर उनके पीछे भी मत भागिए। उसे ऐसे ही छोड़ दीजिए। आप अपने आप को क़ाबिल बना लीजिये। क्योंकि सिर्फ मजबूत और दृढ़ संकल्पी लोग हीं आसानी से जीवन में आगे बढ़ पातें हैं।"

" Some people should be allowed to move ahead with their lives, because it is good for them. And then don't run after them either. Leave it as is. Make yourself worthy. Because only strong and determined people are able to move ahead in life easily. "

" भगवान आपकों वह कभी नहीं देता जो आपकों पसन्द हैं, भगवान आपको वह जरूर देता हैं जो उसे ज्यादा पसन्द है।"
God never gives you what you like, God gives you what he likes more. "
- सलीम खाॅन अनमोल, एन अमेरिकन टूरिस्टश गाइड ।

" जीवन में सुख- दुःख आते-जाते रहते हैं इनकी वजह से अपने जिन्दगी में कभी भी कोई हार न मानें। जिन्दगी में  प्रायः सभी मुश्किल और दुःखो को सहना ही एक जिन्दगी हैं । जो लोग हार मान लेते हैं शायद ही वो कभी आगें बढ़ पातें हैं ।"

" The life is full of struggles it often go and forth. You never surrender or give up in your life. Combating struggles and hurdles in life, is such a real life. The people who easily give up perhaps they advance in life."

" घर चलाने के लिए आप रेल में अखबार बेच लिजिए और फ्यूचर बनाने के लिए आप बस भाग- दौड कर लीजिए, दोनो ही काम मे आपको खुशी मिलेगी ।
" To run the family sell papers aboard the trains and to mould future you just speed up your race, both jobs will offer you the peace."

" To run a house, you sell newspapers in the train and to build a future, you just run around, you will get pleasure in both.

" अपने आप को कभी भी छोटा मत समझिये ।आप में इतनी ताकत है कि आप कुछ भी सम्भव कर सकते हैं ।बस जी लगाकर मेहनत करते रहिये और आगें बढ़ते रहिये ।"

" Never think of yourself as small. You have so much power that you can do anything. Just keep working hard and keep the fire going. "

" इस दुनिया की सबसे प्रेरणादायक चीज ये हैं कि जब कोई अपना ही हमें ठुकरा देता हैं  तब हमें अपनी असलियत पता चलती है कि हम क्या हैं, क्या कर सकते हैं, और क्या थे और जब बाद में उस मुकाम पर पहुँचते हैं जिसके लिए आपने इतनी मेहनत की, जिसकी खातिर इतने त्याग किए तो थैक्यू बोलिए उन लोगों को जिन्होंने आपको यहाँ तक पहुँचाया, थैक्यू बोलिए उन दिनों को जिन्होने आपको हार नही मानने दिया, थैक्यू बोलिए अपनी लाइफ़ को जिसने आपको मेहनत करना सिखाया और थैक्यू बोलिए अपने माॅ-बाप को जिनकी वजह से आप यहाँ हैं । जिन्दगी में पाॅजिटिव सोच रखिये । परेशानियां तो आती- जातीं हैं बस आप ख़ुश रहिये और आगें बढ़ते रहिये ।"

" When we love someone very much and then he leaves us, then we get to know our reality, what we are, what we were and when later we reach the point for which you worked so hard, for which you sacrificed so much, then say thank you to those who brought you here, thank you to those days who did not let you give up. Say thank you to your life who taught you to work and thank you to your parents, because of which you are here. Keep positive thinking in life. Troubles keep on coming.  Be happy and the fires keep growing." 
" जो लोग जिन्दगी में बार-बार ठोकर खाकर गिरते हैं फिर ठोकर खाते है और फिर दोबारा से उठ जाते हैं वो ही आगें चलकर कुछ रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिया करते हैं । जितनी समय तक हमें निराशा व मुश्किलें मिलती
 रहती है हम उतने ही ज्यादा मुश्किल और दुःखो से लड़ने में सक्षम होते जाते हैं। आप कभी निराशावादी न बने और, न ही कभी अपना मन उदास करें बस अपने अनुभवो से सबक लेते हुऐ आगें बढ़ते रहे।"
" Those who stumble and fall again in life, then stumble and then get up again, they break some records in the fire. As long as we get frustrations and difficulties, the more difficult we are, the more difficult we are to fight with sorrows. You should never become pessimistic, nor do you ever feel depressed, just keep learning from your experiences." 

" अगर आप को कोई रिजेक्ट कर देता है तो इसका मतलब ये नही कि आप उसके क़ाबिल नही। नही आप उससे कही ज्यादा अच्छे हो।  लेकिन आपको काबिल बनने के लिए मेहनत की जरूरत हैं। आपको आगें बढ़ने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता।"

" All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

" I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” 

“ Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” 

- By Salim Khan Anmol

Tags- Love Quotes of the Day, Inspiring Learning Life Quotes, Motivational and Self Growth Quotes, Life Lessons Quotes, Move on in Life Quotes, Get Ahead in Life Quotes, Sorrow Heartbreak Quotes, Break up Learning Quotes Sad Quotes, Sustain Yourself  Quotes, Success Quotes, Learning Yourself Quotes, Quotes of the Day, Love and Care Yourself, Emotional Quotes, Emotions Quotes, Sad Thoughts Quotes


Monday, February 24, 2020

Saleem Farhaz Officials photos online

Saleem Farhaz Officials photos online
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Saleem Farhaz, saleem Bhaiya, English coach saleem, saleem Khan Anmol, saleem kanjoos, American coach saleem, gyaani saleem,

Saleem Farhaz, saleem Bhaiya, English coach saleem, saleem Khan Anmol, saleem kanjoos, American coach saleem, gyaani saleem,


Tags:- Saleem Farhaz, saleem Bhaiya, English coach saleem, saleem Khan Anmol, saleem kanjoos, American coach saleem, gyaani saleem, Saleem American guide. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Inspiring and Struggls | Get Ahead | Move on in Life | Quotes of the Day | Success & Work Hard Quotes

Inspiring and Struggls | Get Ahead | Move on in Life | Quotes of the Day | Success & Work Hard Quotes 
Mohammad Saleem Khan
Motivational Quotes | Inspiring and Struggls Quotes, Move on in Life Quotes

 " हमें हमेशा अपनी और दूसरों की गलतियों से सबक लेते हुऐ बस आगें बढ़ते रहना चाहिए, और मेरे हिसाब से, जो आदमी अपनी गलतियों से सीख लेते हैं शायद ही वो कभी आगें  पछतातें हो।"

" We should always take lessons from our own and others' mistakes, just keep the flames rising, and according to me, men who learn from their mistakes rarely regret the flames. "

" जिंदगी के किसी एक हीं पड़ाव में रुक जाने वाले लोग कुछ सालों बाद बहुत पछताते हैं। यादों के साथ जुड़े रहिये, लेकिन जीवन में आगे भी बढ़ते रहिए ।"

" People who stop at one stage of life, after a few years, are very sorry. Stay connected with memories, but keep moving forward in life. "
" 0कुछ लोगों को अपने जिन्दगी से आगे बढ़ जाने देना चाहिए, क्योंकि उनके लिए ऐसा हीं अच्छा होता है। और फिर उनके पीछे भी मत भागिए। उसे ऐसे ही छोड़ दीजिए। आप अपने आप को क़ाबिल बना लीजिये। क्योंकि सिर्फ मजबूत और दृढ़ संकल्पी लोग हीं आसानी से जीवन में आगे बढ़ पातें हैं।"

" Some people should be allowed to move ahead with their lives, because it is good for them. And then don't run after them either. Leave it as is. Make yourself worthy. Because only strong and determined people are able to move ahead in life easily. "

" भगवान आपकों वह कभी नहीं देता जो आपकों पसन्द हैं, भगवान आपको वह जरूर देता हैं जो उसे ज्यादा पसन्द है।"
God never gives you what you like, God gives you what he likes more. "
- सलीम खाॅन अनमोल, एन अमेरिकन टूरिस्टश गाइड ।

" जीवन में सुख- दुःख आते-जाते रहते हैं इनकी वजह से अपने जिन्दगी में कभी भी कोई हार न मानें। जिन्दगी में  प्रायः सभी मुश्किल और दुःखो को सहना ही एक जिन्दगी हैं । जो लोग हार मान लेते हैं शायद ही वो कभी आगें बढ़ पातें हैं ।"

" The life is full of struggles it often go and forth. You never surrender or give up in your life. Combating struggles and hurdles in life, is such a real life. The people who easily give up perhaps they advance in life."

" घर चलाने के लिए आप रेल में अखबार बेच लिजिए और फ्यूचर बनाने के लिए आप बस भाग- दौड कर लीजिए, दोनो ही काम मे आपको खुशी मिलेगी ।
" To run the family sell papers aboard the trains and to mould future you just speed up your race, both jobs will offer you the peace."

" To run a house, you sell newspapers in the train and to build a future, you just run around, you will get pleasure in both.

" अपने आप को कभी भी छोटा मत समझिये ।आप में इतनी ताकत है कि आप कुछ भी सम्भव कर सकते हैं ।बस जी लगाकर मेहनत करते रहिये और आगें बढ़ते रहिये ।"

" Never think of yourself as small. You have so much power that you can do anything. Just keep working hard and keep the fire going. "

" इस दुनिया की सबसे प्रेरणादायक चीज ये हैं कि जब कोई अपना ही हमें ठुकरा देता हैं  तब हमें अपनी असलियत पता चलती है कि हम क्या हैं, क्या कर सकते हैं, और क्या थे और जब बाद में उस मुकाम पर पहुँचते हैं जिसके लिए आपने इतनी मेहनत की, जिसकी खातिर इतने त्याग किए तो थैक्यू बोलिए उन लोगों को जिन्होंने आपको यहाँ तक पहुँचाया, थैक्यू बोलिए उन दिनों को जिन्होने आपको हार नही मानने दिया, थैक्यू बोलिए अपनी लाइफ़ को जिसने आपको मेहनत करना सिखाया और थैक्यू बोलिए अपने माॅ-बाप को जिनकी वजह से आप यहाँ हैं । जिन्दगी में पाॅजिटिव सोच रखिये । परेशानियां तो आती- जातीं हैं बस आप ख़ुश रहिये और आगें बढ़ते रहिये ।"

" When we love someone very much and then he leaves us, then we get to know our reality, what we are, what we were and when later we reach the point for which you worked so hard, for which you sacrificed so much, then say thank you to those who brought you here, thank you to those days who did not let you give up. Say thank you to your life who taught you to work and thank you to your parents, because of which you are here. Keep positive thinking in life. Troubles keep on coming.  Be happy and the fires keep growing." 
" जो लोग जिन्दगी में बार-बार ठोकर खाकर गिरते हैं फिर ठोकर खाते है और फिर दोबारा से उठ जाते हैं वो ही आगें चलकर कुछ रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिया करते हैं । जितनी समय तक हमें निराशा व मुश्किलें मिलती
 रहती है हम उतने ही ज्यादा मुश्किल और दुःखो से लड़ने में सक्षम होते जाते हैं। आप कभी निराशावादी न बने और, न ही कभी अपना मन उदास करें बस अपने अनुभवो से सबक लेते हुऐ आगें बढ़ते रहे।"
" Those who stumble and fall again in life, then stumble and then get up again, they break some records in the fire. As long as we get frustrations and difficulties, the more difficult we are, the more difficult we are to fight with sorrows. You should never become pessimistic, nor do you ever feel depressed, just keep learning from your experiences." 

" अगर आप को कोई रिजेक्ट कर देता है तो इसका मतलब ये नही कि आप उसके क़ाबिल नही। नही आप उससे कही ज्यादा अच्छे हो।  लेकिन आपको काबिल बनने के लिए मेहनत की जरूरत हैं। आपको आगें बढ़ने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता।"

" All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

" I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” 

“ Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” 

- By Salim Khan Anmol

Tags- Love Quotes of the Day, Inspiring Learning Life Quotes, Motivational and Self Growth Quotes, Life Lessons Quotes, Move on in Life Quotes, Get Ahead in Life Quotes, Sorrow Heartbreak Quotes, Break up Learning Quotes Sad Quotes, Sustain Yourself  Quotes, Success Quotes, Learning Yourself Quotes, Quotes of the Day, Love and Care Yourself, Emotional Quotes, Emotions Quotes, Sad Thoughts Quotes - Mohammed Salim Khan Anmol


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Hello Subscribers

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. 𝐖𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 & 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬. 𝐖𝐞'𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝟐𝟒/𝟕𝐡𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐞𝐱𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤.

Monday, September 2, 2019


Present Tense
  •  Present Indefinite Tense/ Simple Present Tense
  • Present Continues Tense 
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Continues Tense
Past Tense
  • Past Indefinite Tense/ Simple Past Tense 
  • Past Continues Tense 
  • Past Perfect Tense 
  • Past Perfect Continues Tense
Future Tense 
  • Future Indefinite Tense/ Simple Future Tense
  • Future Continues Tense 
  • Future Perfect Tense 
  • Future Perfect Continues Tense

Various Skills of the English Language:-

  • English Speaking 
  • English Listening 
  • English Writing 
  • English Showcasing
  • English Reading 
Components of the English Language:- 
English Grammar

         English Alphabets
          • Words/ Parts of Speech
  • Nouns
  • Adjectives 
  • Pronounce
  • Adverbs 
  • Verbs 
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Interjections
  • Subjects and predicates
  • Articles
  • Determines
  • Modals and Auxiliaries
  • Tenses
  • The Infinitives
  • The participle
  • The Gerunds

Compositions: parts of Compositions
        English Grammar

              • Analysis of Simple Sentence 
                 • Phrases
                 • Idioms
                 • Punctuation
                 • Spelling Rules
                 • Question Tags
                 • Clauses
                 • Analysis of Complex Sentence
                 • Analysis of Compound Sentence
                 • Transformation of Sentence 
                 • Active and Passive Voice
                 • Direct and Indirect Speech

Written Composition
  • Paragraph Writing 
  • Story Writing 
  • Letters Writing 
  • Precise Writing 
  • Essays Writing 
  • Autobiography
  • Dialogue Writing
  • Paraphrasing 
  • Notice Writing 
  • Message Writing 
  • Telegram Writing 
  • Postcard Writing 
  • Report Writing 
  • Brochure Writing 
  • Debate Writing 
  • Diary Writing 
  • Emails Writing


Word: the definition & Criteria


Definition & Types
Simple sentence 
Compound sentence 
Complex Sentence 
Compound,Complex Sentence


  • Types of Noun
  • Proper Nou 
  • Common Noun
  • Abstract Noun 
  • Concrete Noun
  • Countable Noun
  • Non- Countable Noun
  • Collective Noun
  • Compound Noun
Pronoun: Definition & types
  • Subject Pronoun
  • Objective Pronoun
  • Possesive Pronoun
  • Reflexive Pronoun
  • Intensive Pronoun
  • Relative Pronoun
  • Demonstrative Pronoun
  • Inteogative Pronoun

Adjectives: Definition & Types 
  • Descriptive Adjectives
  • Quantitative Adjectives
  • Proper Adjectives
  • Demonstrative Adjectives
  • Possesive Adjectives
  • Introgative Adjectives
  • Indefinite Adjectives
  • Articles
  • Compound Adjectives
  • Degree of Adjectives.

Verb: Definition & Types
  • Finite Verb
  • Non- Finite verb
  • Action Verb
  • Linking Verb
  • Modal Verb
  • Auxiliary Verb

Adverbs: Definition &Types
  • Conjuctive  Adverbs
  • Sentence Adverbs
  • Adverbs of  Time/Frequency [When?]
  • Adverbs of Place / Direction [Where?]
  • Adverbs of Degree/ [How Much?]


Preposition: Definition &Types 
  • Prepositions of Time
  • Prepositions of  Place & Direction
  • Prepositions of Agents or Things
  • Phrasel Prepositions
  • Prepositions of Time Usage
  • Prepositions of Place & Direction Usage
  • Use of Prepositions: of, about, for, with, by.


Conjunction: Definition &Types 
  • Coordinating Conjunction
  • Correlative Conjunctions
  • Subordinating Conjunctions

Interjection: Definition &Types 


Articles: Definition &Types 

  • Rules of using Articles with Examples
  • Use of Indefinite Articles
  • Use of Definite Articles

Phrases: Definition &Types 
  • Noun Phrase
  • Adjective Phrase
  • Prepositional Phrase
  • Adverbial Phrase
Clauses: Definition &Types 
  • Types of Clause
  • Independent Clause
  • Dependent Clause

Conditionals: Definition &Types 
  • Types of Conditionals
  • The Real Conditionals
  • The Unreal Conditionals
Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliaries: Definition &Types 
  • Indicative Mood
  • Imperative Mood
  • Subjunctive Mood
Subject- Verbs Agreement 
  • Subject- verb Agreement Rules & Examples 
  • Right Forms of Verbs 

  • Right Forms of Verbs: Rules with Examples
  • Case: Types & Examples
  • Subjective Case
  • Objective Cass
  • Possesive Cass

Modifiers: Definition, Types & Examples
  • Pre- Modifiers
  • Post- Modifiers
Determiners & Quantifiers
  • Determiners 
  • Quantifiers

Prefixes: Definition with Examples


Suffixes: Definition with Examples


Negation: Definition Rules & Examples 


Inversion: Definition with Examples

  • Who/ Whom/ Whose/Which/ How many/ How much
  • Would like/ Would Rather/ Would Sooner
  • Has to/ Have to/ Had to/ Will have to
  • Need not have
  • Had Better/ Dare 
  • Used to/ Be Used to 
  • Ought to Have
  • Would Have/ Dare Have 
  • May Have/ Might Have
  • Will be able to
  • Would Have/ Could Have
  • How Long / How Often
  • What...for/ What...Like
  • What/ When/ Why/ Where/ How
  • Ought to
  • Will/ Would 
  • Shall/ Should 
  • Must Have To
  • May/ Might
  • Can/ Could/ Be able To
  • Ought to
  • Would Have To

  • Definite Articles[The]
  • Whoever/ Whomever/ Whenever/ Wherever 
  • Whatsoever/ Whatever
  • More/ Most
  • Either...Or/ Neither...Nor
  • Each- Other/ One Another
  • Whereas/ Wherein
  • Whether or Not
  • Provided [that]/ Providing [that]
  • Lest Should
  • Either/ Neither 
  • As well as/ as well
  • As if / as though
  • No Sooner...Than
  • Regarding/ Concerning
  • Near/ Near To
  • Except/ But / Too
  • Besides/ Beside
  • Among/ Amongst 
  • Along/ Alongside 
  • Scarcely/ Seldom/ Still/Then
  • Barely/ Hardly/ Only
  • Fairly/ Rather/ Quite
  • Even/ Ever/ Yet
  • Direct Speech
  • Indirect Speech 
  • Being+Third Form
  • Let Alone/ Point
  • Just/ Never/ Once/ Only
  • Do/ Does/ Did
  • Be Likely To/ Be To/ Be Bound To
  • Feel Like/ Feel For/ Meant to
  • Passive Voice 
  • Active Voice 
  • Get/ Have [Third P]
  • English Lessons


Mohammad Saleem Khan
Mohammad  Saleem Khan 

Mohammad Saleem Khan
Mohammad Saleem Khan 

Mohammad Saleem Khan
Mohammad Saleem Khan

Mohammad Saleem Khan
Mohammad Saleem Khan

Present Tense
  •  Present Indefinite Tense/ Simple Present Tense
  • Present Continues Tense 
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Continues Tense
Past Tense
  • Past Indefinite Tense/ Simple Past Tense 
  • Past Continues Tense 
  • Past Perfect Tense 
  • Past Perfect Continues Tense
Future Tense 
  • Future Indefinite Tense/ Simple Future Tense
  • Future Continues Tense 
  • Future Perfect Tense 
  • Future Perfect Continues Tense

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense Examples, Definition, Types, Formula, Rules, Exercise in Hindi, Video Explanation - Learn English Grammar Online

Future Perfect Tense - This article includes definition, rules and formulas for framing sentences in Future Perfect Tense and example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding. The lesson is followed by exercises, video explanations, English to Hindi conversion of the sentences for your additional help and also to assess how much you have learnt about the Future Perfect Tense.
Future Perfect Tense Definition
Future Perfect Tense indicates that an action will have been completed (finished or "perfected") at some point in the future. It also denotes actions which will start and complete at defined point of time in the future.
Future Perfect Tense Examples and Formulae
The formulae for making sentences in Future Perfect tense remains the same for first person singular/ plural, Second Person and Third Person Singular/ Plural. Only the subject changes according to the formula being applied.

Future Perfect Tense Formula for First Person Singular/ Plural, Second Person and Third Person Singular/ Plural

The formula for Future Perfect Tense is as follows -
I / We/ You/ They/ Common Noun/ Proper Noun + Will/ Shall + have + verb (past participle form)+ object (optional)
Let us see some example sentences with formula for Future Perfect Tense
1) I shall have studied hard for my exam.
मैंने अपनी परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर लिया होगा ।
2) You will have gone to work.
 आप काम पर चले गए होंगे।
3) They will have slept at 11 p.m.
 वे 11 बजे सो गए होंगे।
4) Ram will have watched a movie.
राम ने फिल्म देख ली होगी।
5) Boys will have swum.        
लड़के तैर लेंगे ।
For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘not’ before the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.
I / We/ You/ They/ Common Noun/ Proper Noun + Will/ Shall +have not + verb (3rd form) + object (optional)
Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Future Perfect Tense:
1) I shall have not studied hard for my exam.
मैंने अपनी परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं किया होगा ।
2) You will have not gone to work.
आप काम पर नहीं गए होंगे।
3) They will have not slept at 11 p.m.
वे रात 11 बजे नहीं सोए होंगे।
4) Ram will have not watched a movie.
 राम ने फिल्म नहीं देखी होगी।
5) Boys will have not swum.  
लड़के नहीं तैर लेंगे ।
For converting these sentences into Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘Will/ Shall’ at the start of the sentence followed by the subject  and the rest of the rule remains the same. The sentence ends with a question mark (?).
Will/ Shall + I / We/ You/ They/ Common Noun/ Proper Noun + have + verb (3rd form) + object (optional)?
Let us see some examples of interrogative sentences with the formula for Future Perfect Tense:
1) Shall I have studied hard for my exam?
क्या मैंने अपनी परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर लिया होगा ?
2) Will you have gone to work?
क्या आप काम पर चले गए होंगे?
3) Will they have slept at 11 p.m?
क्या वे 11 बजे सो गए होंगे?
4) Will Ram have watched a movie?
क्या राम ने कोई फिल्म देख ली होगी? 
5) Will boys have swum?
क्या लड़के तैर लेंगे ?
For converting these sentences into negative Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add Will/ Shall at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not be’ and the rest of the rule remains the same. The sentence ends with a question mark (?).
 Will/ Shall + I / We/ You/ They/ Common Noun/ Proper Noun + not have + verb (3rd form) + object (optional)?
Let us see some examples of interrogative sentences with the formula for Future Perfect Tense:
1) Shall I not have studied hard for my exam?
 क्या मैंने अपनी परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर लिया होगा?
2) Will you not have gone to work?
क्या आप काम पर नहीं गए होंगे?
3) Will they not have slept at 11 p.m.?
 क्या वे रात 11 बजे नहीं सोए होंगे?
4) Will Ram not have watched a movie?
क्या राम ने फिल्म नहीं देखी होगी?
5) Will boys not have swum?
क्या लड़के नहीं  तैर लेंगे?
Translate the following using the future perfect tense exercise and check answers-
  1. वह खाना बना चुका होगा |
  2. क्या हम सोमवार तक नये मकान में शिफ्ट कर चुके होंगे?
  3. शाम अमेरिका से लौट चुका  होगा। 
  4. कल उसने राम को तोहफ़ा दे दिया होगा। 
  5. तुम चार साल बाद विशेषज्ञ बन चुके होगे।  
Answers -
    • He will have cooked food.
    • Shall we have shifted into the new house by Monday?
    • Sham will have returned from America.
    • He will have given the gift to Ram tomorrow.
    • You will have become a scientist after four years.

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense Examples, Definition, Exercises in Hindi, Video explanation, English to Hindi explanation, Rules, formulae

This article includes definition, formula and Rules for forming sentences in past continuous tense. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding. There are examples of negative, negative interrogative and interrogative sentences and exercises at the end of the lesson in order to help you assess how much you have learnt about Past Continuous Tense. It also includes video explanation of the topic for your additional help.
Past Continuous Tense Definition
The Past Continuous Tense describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and were still going on.

Past Continuous Tense Examples and formulae

The different formulae for making sentences in the Past Continuous Tense are as follows:
Past Continuous Tense Formula for First Person Singular
The formula for Past Continuous Tense when the First Person is Singular is that the sentence starts with ‘I’ followed by ‘was’, then a verb in its 1st form with ‘ing’, followed by an object which is optional.
So, we can say that the formula for Past Continuous Tense for First Person Singular is as follows -
‘I’ + was + verb (1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some example sentences with formula for Past Continuous Tense when the First Person is Singular:
1) I was studying hard for exams.
 मैं परीक्षा के लिए कड़ी मेहनत कर रहा था।
2) I was going to work every day.
 मैं हर दिन काम करने जा रहा था।
3) I  was sleeping late on Saturdays.
मैं शनिवार को देर से सो रहा था।
4) I was watching a movie every week.
मैं हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहा था।
5) I was swimming on Sundays.        
मैं रविवार को तैराकी कर रहा था।
For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘not’ before the root form of the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.
‘I’ + ‘was’+ not + verb (root form) + object (optional)
Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the First Person is Singular:
1) I was not studying hard for exams.
 मैं परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहा था।
2) I was not going to work every day.
 मैं हर दिन काम पर नहीं जा रहा था।
3) I  was not sleeping late on Saturdays.
मैं शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहा था।
4) I was not watching a movie every week.
 मैं हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देख रहा था।
5) I was not swimming on Sundays.  
 मैं रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहा था।
For converting these sentences into Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘was’ at the start of the sentence followed by the subject  and the rest of the rule remains the same. The sentence ends with a question mark ‘?’.
Was + [subject] + verb (root form) with ‘ing ’+ object (optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Person is Singular:
1) Was I studying hard for exams?
क्या मैं परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहा था?
2) Was I going to work every day?
 क्या मैं हर दिन काम करने जा रहा था?
3) Was I sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या मैं शनिवार को देर से सो रहा था?
4) Was I watching a movie every week?
क्या मैं हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहा था?
5) Was I swimming on Sundays?      
क्या मैं रविवार को तैराकी कर रहा था?
For converting these sentences into negative Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘was ’at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not’ and the rest of the rule remains the same. The sentence ends with a question mark ‘?’.
Was + [subject] + not + verb (root form) with ‘ing’+ object(optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Person is Singular:
1) Was I not  studying hard for exams?
 क्या मैं परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहा था?
2) Was I not  going to work every day?
 क्या मैं हर दिन काम पर नहीं जा रहा था ?
3) Was I not sleeping late on Saturdays?
 क्या मैं शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहा था?
4) Was I not watching a movie every week?
क्या मैं हर हफ्ते फिल्म नहीं देख रहा था?
5) Was I not swimming on Sundays?
क्या मैं रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहा था?
Past Continuous Tense Formula for First Person Plural
The formula for Past Continuous Tense when the First Person is Plural are that the sentence starts with ‘We’ and were, then a verb in its 1st form with ‘ing’  followed by an object which is optional.
So, we can say that the formula for Past Continuous Tense for First Person Plural is as follows -
‘We’ + were + verb(1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some example sentences with formula for Past Continuous Tense when the First Person is Plural:
1) We were studying hard for exams.
हम परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहे थे।
2) We were going  to work every day.
हम हर दिन काम करने जा रहे थे।
3) We were sleeping late on Saturdays.
 हम शनिवार को देर से सो रहे थे।
4) We were watching a movie every week.
हम हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहे थे।
5) We were swimming on Sundays.
हम रविवार को तैराकी कर रहे थे।
For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘not’ before the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.
We’ + were + not + verb(1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the First Person is Plural:
1) We were not studying hard for exams.
हम परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहे थे।
2) We were not going  to work every day.
हम हर दिन काम पर नहीं जा रहे थे।
3) We were not sleeping late on Saturdays.
हम शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहे थे।
4) We were not watching a movie every week.
 हम हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देख रहे थे।
5) We were not swimming on Sundays.
 हम रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहे थे।
For converting these sentences into Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘were’  at the start of the sentence followed by the subject  and the rest of the rule remains the same.
were + [subject] + verb (root form) with ‘ing ’+ object (optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Plural:
1) Were we studying hard for exams?
 क्या हम परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहे थे?
2) Were we going to work everyday?
क्या हम रोज़ काम पर जा रहे थे ?
3) Were we sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या हम शनिवार को देर से सो रहे थे?
4) Were we watching a movie every week?
 क्या हम हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहे थे?
5) Were we swimming on Sundays?
क्या हम रविवार को तैराकी कर रहे थे?
For converting these sentences into negative Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ’were’ at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.
were + [subject] + not + verb (root form) with ‘ing ’+ object(optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Plural:
1) Were we not studying hard for exams?
क्या हम परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहे थे?
2) Were we not going to work everyday?
क्या हम रोज़ काम पर नहीं जा रहे थे?
3) Were we not sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या हम शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहे थे?
4) Were we not watching a movie every week?
 क्या हम हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देख रहे थे?
5) Were we not swimming on Sundays.
 क्या हम रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहे थे?
Past Continuous Tense Formula for Second Person
The formula for Past Continuous Tense when there is a Second Person involvedare that the sentence starts with ‘you’, then a verb in its 1st form with ‘ing’, followed by an object which is optional.
So, we can say that the formula for Past Continuous Tense when a Second Person is involved is as follows -
‘You’ + were + verb(1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some example sentences with formula for Past Continuous Tense when a Second Person is involved:
1) You were studying hard for exams.
 आप परीक्षा के लिए कड़ी मेहनत कर रहे थे।
2) You were going to work every day.
आप हर दिन काम करने जा रहे थे।
3) You were sleeping late on Saturdays.
आप शनिवार को देर से सो रहे थे।
4) You were watching a movie every week.
 आप हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहे थे।
5) You were swimming on Sundays.
आप रविवार को तैराकी कर रहे थे।
For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘did not’ before the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.
‘You’ + were + not + verb (1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when there is a second person :
1) You were not studying hard for exams
आप परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहे थे
2) You were not going to work everyday.
 आप रोज काम पर नहीं जा रहे थे।
3) You were not sleeping late on Saturdays.
 आप शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहे थे।
4) You were not watching a movie every week.
 आप हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देख रहे थे।
5) You were not swimming on Sundays.
आप रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहे थे।
For converting these sentences into Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘were’  at the start of the sentence followed by ‘you’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.
‘Were’ + you + verb(1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)?
Let us see some examples of interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when there is a Second Person Involved:
1) Were you studying hard for exams?
 क्या आप परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहे थे?
2) Were you going to work everyday?
 क्या आप रोज़ काम करने जा रहे थे?
3) Were you sleeping late on Saturdays?
 क्या आप शनिवार को देर से सो रहे थे?
4) Were you watching a movie every week?
 क्या आप हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहे थे?
5) Were you swimming on Sunday?
क्या आप रविवार को तैराकी कर रहे थे?
For converting these sentences into negative Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘were’ at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.
‘Were’ + you + not + verb(1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when there is a second person involved:
1) Were you not studying hard for exams?
क्या आप परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहे थे?
 2) Were you not going to work everyday?
क्या आप रोज काम पर नहीं जा रहे थे?
3) Were you not sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या आप शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहे थे?
4) Were you not watching a movie every week?
क्या आप हर हफ्ते फिल्म नहीं देख रहे थे?
5) Were you not swimming on Sundays?
क्या आप रविवार को नहीं तैर रहे थे?
Past Continuous Tense Formula for Third Person Singular
The formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Singular are that the sentence starts with He, She, Common noun or proper noun, then a verb in its 1st form with ‘ing’  followed by an object which is optional.
So, we can say that the formula for Past Continuous Tense for Third Person Singular is as follows -
He/ She/ Common Nouns/ Proper Nouns + was + verb(1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some example sentences with formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Singular:
1) He was studying hard for exams.
वह परीक्षा के लिए कड़ी मेहनत कर रहा था।
2) Father was going to work every day.
 पिता हर दिन काम पर जा रहे थे।
3) Ram was sleeping late on Saturdays.
राम शनिवार को  देर रात सो रहा था।
4) She was watching a movie every week.
वह हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रही थी।
5) Sham was swimming on Sundays.
रविवार को शाम तैर रहा था।
For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘not’ before the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.
He/ She/ Common Nouns/ Proper Nouns + was + verb(1st form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Singular:
1) He was not studying hard for exams.
 वह परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहा था
2) He was not going to work everyday.
वह रोज काम पर नहीं जा रहा था।
3) He was not sleeping late on Saturdays.
वह शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहा था।
4) He was not watching a movie every week.
 वह हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देख रहा था।
5) He was not swimming on Sundays.
वह रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहा था।
For converting these sentences into Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘was’ at the start of the sentence followed by He/ She/ Common Nouns/ Proper Nouns and the rest of the rule remains the same.
Was + subject (He/ She/ Common Nouns/ Proper Nouns) + verb (root form) + object (optional)
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Singular:
1) Was he studying hard for exams?
क्या वह परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहा था?
2) Was father going to work everyday?
क्या पिता रोज काम पर जा रहे थे?
3) Was Ram sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या राम शनिवार की देर रात सो रहा था?
4) Was she watching a movie every week?
क्या वह हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रही थी?
5) Was Sham swimming on Sundays?
क्या शाम रविवार को तैर रहा था ?
For converting these sentences into negative Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘Was’ at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.
Was + [subject] + not + verb (root form) with ‘ing’ + object(optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Singular:
1) Was he not studying hard for exams?
क्या वह परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहा था?
2) Was father not going to work everyday?
क्या पिता रोज काम पर नहीं जा रहे थे?
3) Was Ram not sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या राम शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहा था ?
4) Was she not watching a movie every week?
 क्या वह हर हफ्ते फिल्म नहीं देख रही थी?
5) Was Sham not swimming on Sundays?
क्या शाम रविवार को तैर नहीं रहा था ?

Past Continuous Tense Formula for Third Person Plural

The formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Plural are that the sentence starts with ‘They’ or common nouns and ‘were’, then a verb in its 1st form with ‘ing’ followed by an object which is optional
So, we can say that the formula for Past Continuous Tense for Third Person Plural is as follows -
They/ Common Nouns + were + verb (1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some example sentences with formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Plural:
1) They were studying hard for exams.
वे परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहे थे।
2) Boys were going to work every day.
लड़के रोज काम पर जा रहे थे।
3) They were sleeping late on Saturdays.
 वे शनिवार को देर से सो रहे थे।
4) They were watching a movie every week.
वे हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहे थे।
5) Girls were swimming on Sundays
 लड़कियां रविवार को तैराकी कर रही थीं
For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘not’ before the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.
They/ Common Nouns + were + ‘not’ + verb (1st  form) with ‘ing’+ object (optional)
Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Plural:
1) They were not studying hard for exams
वे परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहे थे
2) They were not going to work everyday.
 वे रोज काम पर नहीं जा रहे थे।
3) They were not sleeping  late on Saturdays.
वे शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहे थे।
4) They were not watching a movie every week.
 वे हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देख रहे थे।
5) They were not swimming on Sundays.
 वे रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहे थे।
For converting these sentences into Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘Were’ at the start of the sentence followed by ‘They/ Common nouns’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.
Were + they/ common nouns + verb (root form) + object(optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Plural:
1) Were they studying hard for exams?
क्या वे परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहे थे?
2) Were they going to work everyday?
क्या वे रोज़ काम पर जा रहे थे ?
3) Were they sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या वे शनिवार को देर से सो रहे थे?
4) Were they watching a movie every week?
क्या वे हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देख रहे थे?
5) Were they swimming on Sundays?
क्या वे रविवार को तैराकी कर रहे थे?
For converting these sentences into negative Interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘were’ at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.
Were + they/ common nouns + not + verb (root form) + object (optional)?
Let us see some examples of Interrogative sentences with the formula for Past Continuous Tense when the Third Person is Plural:
1) Were they not studying hard for exams?
 क्या वे परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं कर रहे थे?
 2) Were they not going to work everyday?
क्या वे रोज काम पर नहीं जा रहे थे?
3) Were they not sleeping late on Saturdays?
क्या वे शनिवार को देर से नहीं सो रहे थे?
4) Were they not watching a movie every week?
क्या वे हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देख रहे थे?
5) Were they not swimming on Sundays?
क्या वे रविवार को तैराकी नहीं कर रहे थे?

Past Continuous Tense Exercises
Translate the following sentences using the correct form of Past Continuous Tense. The answers follow -
  1. मैं टेलीविज़न देख रही  थी।
  2. हम दौड़ नहीं रहे थे।
  3. क्या वह प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था ? 
  4. वे गाना गा रहे थे।
  5. बच्चे बिस्तर पर  सो रहे थे।
  1. I was watching television.
  2. We were not running.
  3. Was he waiting?
  4. They were singing a song.
  5. Children were sleeping on the bed.

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