Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Published on Sun Aug 19th 2019
Update time- 16:20 (UST)
Speaking Fluency Tips: 5 Steps to Having Better Speaking Flow Today:.

by MyEnglishTeacher | Aug 19th, 2019 | English Speaking |
Speaking Fluency Activity: 14 best Steps to Having Better Speaking Flow.

Gaining mastery in a new language can seem like an impossible task, especially when that language is as complex as English! But our friends at  ABA English. have 14 great tips to make English learning a little more manageable than you probably thought possible. 🙂
Memorising new words is a huge part of learning a new language and yet it seems to be so difficult to accomplish.
Today, we want to share some fun tips with you so that learning new vocabulary becomes easier and more enjoyable. We also want your input: tell us in the comments’ section below your favourite ways to memorise words.

1. Read Read Read and Read

This is an essential activity because reading is the best way to be exposed to a rich and wide vocabulary.

And remember: you can read whatever you want! You can read literature books if that is what you enjoy, but if you don’t, try reading a comic book or a magazine. You can buy a cook book and read that, or read a children’s book to your kids. There are thousands of articles online, news websites…the options are endless. So find something that you like, and read it.
Reading is an easy, fun and relaxing way to boost your language skills. Plus, you will be learning about other things as well: win, win!

2. Understand context and Vocabulary

Great! So you have “learned” many new words; but if you do not know how and when to use them correctly, you have not truly learned.

This is also why reading is so important because it gives each word context, and that will help you understand the meaning and use of the word. For example, in the sentence “This soup is horrible, it tastes so bitter!” you might not understand the word “bitter”, but thanks to the context of the whole sentence, you will know it means “not good”.
Context helps us comprehend when a word is used in formal language or informal language, if it is slang we can use with friends, or if it is a word that is usually used in written English but not in conversation.

3. Write Down Journal with Related words

If you just learned the word “care”, don’t stop there!

 Use a dictionary or the internet to find derivatives of that word, and expressions that use it. For example: careful, carefree, careless, take care! See? You started with one word but quickly learned four more, and because their meaning is related, it is easier to understand and remember what each one means.

4. Make sentences while sitting with friends

Making sentences helps us put everything we have learned into action: so you have learned a new word and you understand when to use it. But for the brain to remember this word in the future, the best way to memorize is by using it.

Make ten sentences that use different meanings of the word you want to learn or, if it is a verb, with different tenses. For example, if you want to remember the phrasal verb “to tidy up”, write: “Maria, you must tidy your room up”, “I have to tidy up before my friends come”, “Paul will watch TV after he finishes tidying up the kitchen”.
Ever heard Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”? Well, by making sentences you are helping your brain to learn because it gets actively involved in the learning process.

5. Record yourself in your Brain System 

By hearing your own voice say the words out loud and feeling your mouth move, you are making even more connections in your brain.

If you studied English in the past but have not practiced it for a long time, you might know the words but find it hard to remember them. Yet, once you start speaking, it becomes easier to access those words when you need them.
So, use a camera, your phone or your webcam to record yourself practicing your new vocabulary words and using them in the sentences you made.

6. Make flashcards

Flashcards are a popular way of learning new words. You can also use post-it notes and put them in places where you will see them regularly, or draw the definition of the word if you are a visual learner. If you want flashcards that are already made for you, check out Magoosh’s free TOEFL flashcard app.
Every day, take out your flashcards and read over them. Read the word and try to remember what it means before checking the drawing or definition behind it.

7. Mnemonics

Mnemonics are ways to help us remember things better.
A great online resource for mnemonics is the; you can type in the words you want to remember and you will see many different ways to help you memorize.

8. Take notes

A great little trick is to always carry around a notebook and pencil. Then, if you hear a word or sentence you like in a movie or a song, you can write it down. When you get home you can research it and add it to the list of words you have learned.

9. Play games

When you are having fun it’s so much easier to learn. So play games like boggle or scrabble. These games will test your creativity and make you think outside the box.

10. Speaking with your Seniors

In tip #5 we explained how recording yourself helps your brain remember words better. So, what better way to do this than to talk with a friend? If you do not have any native English speaking friends, don’t worry! Just invite another friend who wants to learn English out for a cup of tea and practice.

To get the most out of these conversations, we suggest that each week you choose a different topic. This way you will be using different vocabulary. Make sure to spend an hour or two to make a list of words you would like to use before meeting your friend.

11. Repeat 

As Spanish people say, “la repetición es la madre del éxito”, or, in English: “repetition is the key to success”. It’s true. To learn anything you must repeat, repeat, repeat.
Every day, set aside some time to study vocabulary. It doesn’t matter how you do it, but it is important that you practice a little daily. This will create a good habit.

12. Be patient

And finally: be kind and patient with yourself.
Learning English is a big accomplishment, and you should be very proud of yourself each time you learn a new word.
There you have it! 12 fun tips to help you learn more English vocabulary. Now, don’t forget to share your tips with us too.
And if you want even more English vocab practice, sign up for the our English language lesson group called MyEnglishTeacher.

13. Train yourself to think in English
One way to make the transition from being very
good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language.
  • Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy. Every language has its own nuances and peculiarities, which makes it impossible to accurately translate from one language to another in certain instances.
  • As a result, your spoken and written English will flow much more naturally and fluently if you can just train your brain to think in English. Think of it like a switch -- when it's time to communicate in English, you need to turn your English brain on and your mother language brain off!

14. Try to feel free call your English teacher 

15. Don't be afraid to make mistakes
         The biggest obstacle that stands in the         way of learning a new language is the fear of making mistakes.
This fear serves no purpose -- it is merely a hindrance that prevents you from reaching your goal of fluency.
Don't be afraid of making a mistake and don't be shy! Of course you can't speak a new language perfectly at the start. Try to express yourself albeit with difficulty.
Remember that everyone makes mistakes when they are learning a new language -- it's a rite of passage. You will almost certainly have your fair share of awkward or embarrassing moments when you accidentally say something rude or incorrect, but this is all part of the fun.
Also remember that you are not aiming for perfection when learning to speak English, you are aiming for progress. Making mistakes is all part of the learning process, they will help you to become better, so embrace them!

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  • For our new learners- I completely understand how difficult it can be to overcome your shyness and speak in another language–but you can’t let this shyness hold you back! The best way to improve in the speaking section is to practice as much as possible, and become comfortable expressing yourself in English. You don’t necessarily have to do this with someone else, however–at least not at first.
You can speak to yourself, record it and listen back in order to assess your speaking skills. This will help you to improve and gain confidence in your speaking ability. When you feel more confident, you can start to work with a partner 🙂 If you want to practice speaking in English but don’t have a conversation partner, you will need something else to respond to. So why not get reading or listening practice at the same time?

This blog post has some great resources to use for listening or reading practice that’s similar to TOEFL material. Summarizing is an incredibly important skill for the TOEFL. If you are speaking out loud, record what you say, then listen to it and try it again with even better pronunciation and with more details the second time. Try to mimic the pronunciation of the speaker, if you are summarizing a presentation.

It may sound strange or awkward, or like you are mocking/insulting the native accent, but that’s okay! What feels natural to you will not be correct pronunciation, unless you have years of experience surrounded by native speakers. You have to sound strange and unnatural to change your accent. Try constantly to sound like the native speakers you hear.
And you can go beyond just summarizing! When reading or listening to a presentation, pause often to give your reaction and opinion on the material. Act like you are having a conversation with the author or speaker, although you are not really talking to them.

                       An American girl capturing selfie with MyEnglishTeacher

- MyEnglishTeacher, Salim Khan, New Delhi, India.

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